Joint position sense visible and hidden position

From the training list, select the “Proprioception – visible position” exercise – this is an exercise in which the patient is to stop in a blue field and maintain this position for a given time. Go to settings. Follow the unweighting procedure. Set and confirm the range of motion. In the “Training information” tab, you can enter the patient’s position or select it from the list. In the last tab on the left, set the training time, position hold time, target position size, and the minimum and maximum change in target position during the exercise. Click “START”.
In the exercise “Proprioception – visible position“, the patient’s current position is visible thanks to the red indicator.

In the “Proprioception – hidden position” exercise, the red indicator is invisible. The patient must find the position himself and maintain it when the clock appears on the screen.
The task can be made even more difficult for the patient by using the “Insensitivity” settings (resistance when starting movement and stopping the extension) and “Max. speed” (lower maximum speed means greater resistance during movement, subjectively felt by the patient).

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