Robotics in Oncological Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation in oncology plays a crucial role in the treatment process and recovery of oncological patients. Initiatives for financial support for the purchase of equipment for oncology rehabilitation, led by the Ministry of Health in previous years, have contributed to improving the quality of care for patients, including through the use of modern devices. As part of this initiative, EGZOTech has implemented devices in over 40 facilities.
Automating the rehabilitation process for cancer patients and utilizing devices that enable the achievement of oncology therapy goals, while also supporting medical personnel in providing more efficient and effective rehabilitation services, is a suggested solution to the challenges in oncology rehabilitation.
EGZOTech robots are suitable for rehabilitation:
› patients after mastectomy
› patients after central nervous system tumors – brain tumors, spinal cord tumors
› patients after prostatectomy due to prostate cancer
› long-term, bedridden patients
Benefits of using rehabilitation robots in oncological rehabilitation
Our solutions
Responding to the needs of patients and clinicians in oncology, EGZOTech offers robotic rehabilitation kits dedicated to comprehensive oncorehabilitation.
Devices for comprehensive oncological rehabilitation
Clinicians’ Opinions
The opinions collected from users confirm that the use of robots and electromyographs in everyday rehabilitation work with oncological patients supports their therapy. Physiotherapists emphasize that EGZOTech devices are effective and provide support and relief at work, and also allow for individual adjustment to different patients. In addition, EGZOTech robots are easy to use and quick to implement into therapy.
Users also pay attention to the objectivity of results and precise measurements, which not only increase work efficiency, but also help in planning and evaluating the effects of the treatment process.
The opinions and references we have collected indicate that the Luna EMG and Stella BIO devices have been positively received by both patients and therapists.
Urządzenie w znacznym stopniu odciążyło pracę fizjoterapeutów poprzez możliwość urozmaicenia przebiegu ćwiczeń bez konieczności inwestowania w dodatkowy sprzęt.
W naszym zakładzie Luna EMG urozmaica kinezyterapię pacjentom po amputacjach onkologicznych. Pacjenci po usunięciu zmian nowotworowych w obrębie tkanek miękkich efektywniej pracują nad stymulacją zaburzonych łańcuchów kinematycznych.
Robot ten [Luna EMG] wspomaga terapię pacjentów onkologicznych. Do tej pory najczęściej wykorzystywany do poprawy komfortu życia i samoobsługi pacjentek po mastektomii. Celem kinezyterapii przy udziale robota dla tej grupy pacjentek była najczęściej poprawa zakresu ruchomości stawu barkowego. Istotnym efektem korzystania z Luna EMG jest poprawa siły mięśniowej klatki piersiowej i kończyny po stronie operowanej oraz wzrost koordynacji ruchowej w zakresie tułowia i kończyny górnej
[Lunę EMG i Stellę BIO] stosujemy u pacjentek i pacjentów w trakcie lub po zakończeniu leczenia onkologicznego. Największą grupę stanowią pacjenci z nowotworami złośliwymi piersi, nowotworami narządu rodnego, nowotworami układu moczowego, czerniakami, guzami mózgu[…]. W wyniku prowadzonej rehabilitacji uzyskujemy poprawę stanu funkcjonalnego naszych pacjentów
Najczęściej wykorzystujemy końcówkę [robota Luna EMG] do rehabilitacji barku ze względu na dużą ilość pacjentów z zespołem bólowym barku oraz u kobiet po mastektomii z ograniczeniem ruchomości w stawie barkowym. [..] nasz zespół jednogłośnie poleca robot rehabilitacyjny Luna do pracy zarówno z pacjentem neurologicznym, ortopedycznym jak i onkologicznym
Schedule a free presentation in your facility
Check which EGZOTech device best meets the needs of your patients
During the meeting, we will answer all your questions and address any concerns you may have. Additionally, you will gain precise and comprehensive knowledge about the operation and application of our rehabilitation robots, based on objective measures of effectiveness in therapy for oncology patients, including their qualification for working with the device.
Discover our family of robotic devices for oncorehabilitation:
The Luna EMG robot is an advanced device used in orthopedic rehabilitation, which combines the functions of monitoring muscle activity using EMG (electromyography) with advanced possibilities of rehabilitation robotics.
The Luna EMG device can be used in the treatment of oncological patients
- after mastectomy
- after surgical procedures
- after chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- after long-term immobilization
- with neuropathy due to cytostatic treatment
- with neurological deficits due to treatment of tumors in the nervous system
Rehabilitation robot for therapy of the lower limb, used in the rehabilitation of motor dysfunctions resulting from oncological treatment. The device, through passive, resistance and assisted training (EMG triggered), improves functional performance in the lower limb. The Sidra LEG robot can be used in the patient’s bed, which improves and speeds up the rehabilitation process.
Sidra LEG can be used in the treatment of oncological patients:
- in conditions after surgical procedures in the lower limb
- after long-term immobilization
- with neuropathy resulting from cytostatic treatment
- with neurological deficits resulting from the treatment of tumors in the nervous system
Rehabilitation robot for therapy in the hand and forearm area, used in the rehabilitation of movement dysfunctions resulting from oncological treatment. Training using special extensions and EMG-triggered movement technology increases grip strength, range of motion and muscle coordination.
The Meissa OT device can be used in the treatment of oncological patients:
- in conditions after surgical procedures in the hand and forearm area
- with neuropathy resulting from cytostatic treatment
- with neurological deficits resulting from treatment of tumors in the nervous system
Stella BIO is a rehabilitation device using, among others, EMG Biofeedback and functional electrostimulation, successfully used especially in urogynecological rehabilitation after prostatectomy.
The Stella BIO device can be used in the rehabilitation of oncological patients, among others:
- after prostatectomy
- after mastectomy
- in conditions after surgical procedures
- in conditions after chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- in neuromuscular dysfunctions
- in urinary and fecal incontinence
- in palliative care
Multisensory biofeedback therapeutic system for professional rehabilitation and assessment of oncology patients focused on:
- biofeedback exercises of lower and upper limbs, back, trunk, basic movements and maintaining balance
- range of motion assessment
- functional assessment and balance assessment
- gait assessment and fall risk prediction
Diagnostic and therapeutic device for systemic rehabilitation in a virtual reality, with particular emphasis on the upper limb.
The system is used for the treatment of patients:
- after mastectomy
- in conditions after surgical procedures
- after long-term immobilization
- with neuropathy due to cytostatic treatment
- with neurological deficits due to the treatment of tumors in the nervous system
Why EGZOTech?
A few facts why EGZOTech devices are the right choice.
We are the largest manufacturer of rehabilitation robots in Poland (we have produced and delivered over 400 Luna EMG robots worldwide).
Our robots are the most frequently chosen in Poland by Polish healthcare entities, both public and private (over 100 robots in Poland).
We have over 100 pages of highly positive references for our rehabilitation robots from leading clinicians in the country.
We are the fastest growing company in the Healthcare and Life Science industry according to the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe 2020 ranking.
We have been awarded many times, including in 37 national and international competitions (e.g. Polish Business Council Award, Special Award in the “EY Entrepreneur of the Year” competition).
We have qualified teams that lead the sales, implementation and training process. Our salespeople and trainers are certified physiotherapists, including those with academic degrees.
We have been operating on the market for over 10 years and we are a good team of 70 people. We are based in Poland, but we also operate on numerous international markets.
We have almost 200 extremely positive references
We already have over 250 clients in Poland
Our team is at your disposal for ongoing advice on the offer, pricing, terms of cooperation, technical specifications or clinical cooperation. We also provide full technical support and service care at every stage of cooperation.