EMG evaluation

From the list of exercises choose “EMG diagnostic” – it is a program that allows you to view EMG of connected muscles in real-time. It can be used to check whether a muscle has EMG activity, when or how much the muscle is activated.

In the “Training information” tab, you can enter the patient’s position and the name of the attached muscle, or select both items from the list. In the “Diagnostic EMG” tab set the exercise time. “Click” START “. The muscle activity will appear on the chart. The line chart can be changed to a bar chart by clicking the icon on the right. On the left, you can turn off autoscaling by clicking the “AS” button.

Using the slider on the left allows you to adjust the scale to your needs. Autoscaling can also be turned off while viewing EMG as a line chart. To do this, click the “Arrow” icon on the right side of the screen. Adjust the scale with “+” and ““. You can finish the assessment, before the end of the exercise, by pressing the “x” button.

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