CPM training

In order to carry out passive exercise, add a new training and press the CPM button. Go to settings. Unweight the extension and set the range of motion.

On the left, in the “Training information” tab, enter or select the patient’s position from the list.

In the CPM tab, we adjust the parameters:

  • Exercise time
  • Speed of the passive movement
  • Maximum torque – the force of the robot to move the patient’s limb. Standard value is set to 10 Nm. If the resistance given by patient’s limb is higher, and there are no contraindications to conduct passive movement in a given range, we can increase this value even up to 40 Nm.

Example: If the patient’s spasticity exceeds 10 Nm, and there are no fixed contractures, we can increase the value above the torque generated by the patient (parameter visible on the left side of the screen with the CPM graph).

  • Pause at the beginning and end of the range of motion
  • Press the “START” button.
  • The Position (blue) and Torque (orange) lines appear on the CPM screen.
  • If the patient generates no resistance, the orange line will be flat.
  • The “+” button adds 5 minutes to training time.
  • The “Setting” button allows you to change parameters during the exercise.
  • We can finish the training, by pressing the “x” button.

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